2009 is rapidly coming to a close. Only a few more hours left. I am so happy to wrap this year up. In fact I'd like to wrap it up in a nice little package and put it out of sight. While many good times have been had this year it's also been a rough one. So I'm hoping that wrapping up this year will allow us to unwrap a beautiful new year! I'm not making any resolutions this year. I'm just hoping for the best or better than this year. I'm hoping for health, laughter, and maybe some luck finding a better paying job. I did have a phone interview today for an out of state job. Kinda scary but also positive. We can't keep living like this. So here is to hoping that 2010 brings us more security and lots of love and laughter.
Happy New Year to you all!
Clickin Mama
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Snow Day
With all the snow we have had you would think we would have been spending a lot of time outside playing in it. But that wasn't the case until this evening. The wind has been blowing so hard that it just made it too cold to be out. When it gets real cold The Hulk' asthma seems to get bad. So finally this evening the wind died down and we headed out to play!
The Hulk spent our entire time outside fluctuating between loving the snow and hating the snow. I think he was honestly just thrilled to be outside. Being couped up indoors has about pushed this high energy boy over the edge. But he wasn't sure what to think of the snow. At first he didn't want it on him and would scream about it being stuck to his gloves. Then he decided it was fun to throw and okay to play with. But then he tried to run around which proved difficult for him. So he wasn't a huge fan but at least he had fun and got some fresh air.
Rumor has it that more snow is coming our way. I suppose that will give The Hulk even more to experience and become accustomed too. I'm just hoping it doesn't cause us to be stuck inside for as long as last time!
Clickin Mama
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Healthy Habits
You know we didn't do that H1N1 vaccine. We decided to skip it and just practice healthy prevention habits. We cough into our elbows now. We also fist bumb instead of shaking hands. And most importantly we don't eat boogers! Aren't ya glad we are trying to be healthy! No flu here.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Not Me Monday!
I have NOT spent the last four days stuck in this house. I do NOT feel a little bit crazy. I have NOT made a list of all the things I want to do in the outside world once we ccan be free!
I am NOT overwhelmed at all by the huge amounts of new things that have found a new home here. The dump trucks and tunnels, the books and balls. While appreciative for all the gifts bestowed on my child I'm NOT also trying to figure out where in the heck to put it all.
I did NOT cry when my sister left yesterday. After 4 days with her I didn't feel really lonely as I watched her gun it over the mountain of snow at the end of the drive and escape. I did NOT wave like a fool as I bawled.
I did NOT listen to Elmo sing HOT HOT HOT for about 7 hours over the past four days. I also do NOT know how to do the silly squirel dance! That's my story and I'm sticking too it!
Clickin Mama
I am NOT overwhelmed at all by the huge amounts of new things that have found a new home here. The dump trucks and tunnels, the books and balls. While appreciative for all the gifts bestowed on my child I'm NOT also trying to figure out where in the heck to put it all.
I did NOT cry when my sister left yesterday. After 4 days with her I didn't feel really lonely as I watched her gun it over the mountain of snow at the end of the drive and escape. I did NOT wave like a fool as I bawled.
I did NOT listen to Elmo sing HOT HOT HOT for about 7 hours over the past four days. I also do NOT know how to do the silly squirel dance! That's my story and I'm sticking too it!
Clickin Mama
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Snowed In!
We have spent Christmas officially snowed in! We got a lot of snow. Right around 8 inches I believe. Which really that isn't so much but the high winds have caused horrible snow drifts. Some of the drifts come up to my waist. It's crazy. I haven't seen snow like this since I was a kid. The Hulk is quite mesmerized by it.
He runs to the backdoor and gazes out regularly and then comes to find Heather and I and takes us to view it also. I think everytime he sees it he is surprised. He was really shocked when we opened the door so he could see it up close and personal. The drift at the back door almost comes to his head which you can tell from the pics. Pretty intimidating for a little guy. We think he thought the snow was hard because he bent down to touch it and sunk right in up to his elbows. This was pretty upsetting to him so we saved him quickly and now if I go to open the door he tells me no no mama.
I did try to venture out today to get milk and bread. I got stuck three times going the mile to the store. So not worth the trip. Maybe tomorrow we can try again. Or we may wait till everything thaws. I love the snow but hate being stuck. YUCK! Luckily Heather has been here so I've had some adult interaction. We have enjoyed the company. The Hulk adores her so much. He follows "da da" around everywhere and mimicks the way she stands, leans against the counter, and holds her drink. I think the cuteness is wearing off and the cabin fever is kicking in. I'm sure she won't be really sad to leave us tomorrow and get back to her quiet and clean apartment. We will miss her though. Maybe I should put more snow around her car so she can't get out....
Clickin Mama
He runs to the backdoor and gazes out regularly and then comes to find Heather and I and takes us to view it also. I think everytime he sees it he is surprised. He was really shocked when we opened the door so he could see it up close and personal. The drift at the back door almost comes to his head which you can tell from the pics. Pretty intimidating for a little guy. We think he thought the snow was hard because he bent down to touch it and sunk right in up to his elbows. This was pretty upsetting to him so we saved him quickly and now if I go to open the door he tells me no no mama.
I did try to venture out today to get milk and bread. I got stuck three times going the mile to the store. So not worth the trip. Maybe tomorrow we can try again. Or we may wait till everything thaws. I love the snow but hate being stuck. YUCK! Luckily Heather has been here so I've had some adult interaction. We have enjoyed the company. The Hulk adores her so much. He follows "da da" around everywhere and mimicks the way she stands, leans against the counter, and holds her drink. I think the cuteness is wearing off and the cabin fever is kicking in. I'm sure she won't be really sad to leave us tomorrow and get back to her quiet and clean apartment. We will miss her though. Maybe I should put more snow around her car so she can't get out....
Clickin Mama
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve
It's almost Christmas. Just a few more minutes and it actually will be Christmas. It's been a late night and a long day at our house but it's been wonderful. I had the day off work and Heather got off work early and made it home before the weather got to bad. So we have stayed inside and played with The Hulk and watched the snow fall and blow all day. We also kept one of Darby's twins today so we had plenty of time to love on Miss Ellison.
We were going to go to Christmas Eve service at church but did I mention the falling and blowing snow. There is tons of it. And the drifts in my drive way are huge. I haven't seen snow like this in years. It's amazing really but it caused church to actually be canceled. Our church hasn't had to cancel Christmas Eve service because of snow in 25 years! How crazy is that!
So after enjoying our dinner we read The Hulk the Christmas story and had our own little Christmas Eve service. Not the same thing but at least we tried. Better than nothing. After the babies fell asleep Heather and I watched a movie and just chilled out. All the presents are wrapped and ready to go under the tree. I'm so excited to see what The Hulk thinks in the morning when he sees his Elmo paper again. I'm hoping tomorrow is another nice relaxing day of fun. We will see.
Merry Christmas Eve to all of you!
Clickin Mama
We were going to go to Christmas Eve service at church but did I mention the falling and blowing snow. There is tons of it. And the drifts in my drive way are huge. I haven't seen snow like this in years. It's amazing really but it caused church to actually be canceled. Our church hasn't had to cancel Christmas Eve service because of snow in 25 years! How crazy is that!
So after enjoying our dinner we read The Hulk the Christmas story and had our own little Christmas Eve service. Not the same thing but at least we tried. Better than nothing. After the babies fell asleep Heather and I watched a movie and just chilled out. All the presents are wrapped and ready to go under the tree. I'm so excited to see what The Hulk thinks in the morning when he sees his Elmo paper again. I'm hoping tomorrow is another nice relaxing day of fun. We will see.
Merry Christmas Eve to all of you!
Clickin Mama
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Don't Forget
Dear The Hulk-
This morning when you were throwing the dog food in the kitchen I yelled at you. I'm sorry about that. And then when you were trying to pick up every single piece of it I told you to hurry up and didn't say it real nice. I'm sorry about that too. And then I kinda turned into psycho mommy rushing you around because we were already really running late and I was freaking out about it. So The Hulk I'm sorry about that too. This morning was just a rough morning. Some days I suck at this parenting thing and I make mistakes. Some days I yell and sometimes I rush you. Sometimes I forget that you are still just little and have short legs and big eyes. You walk slow so you can see it all and I'm big now and tend to hurry to much. So I'm sorry.
But luckily we have way more good days than bad days. So I'm hoping that you don't forget that. I hope you remember how much fun I have holding your hand when we walk. And I hope you don't forget how we explore together and play. I hope you never forget how much I love you and how really cool I think you are. And I hope that I don't forget what you were like when you were little like this. I love watching you learn new things. I love how you laugh and stomp your feet when you get excited. And most of all I am so grateful that even in my worst parenting moments you still adore me.
I love you The Hulk!
This morning when you were throwing the dog food in the kitchen I yelled at you. I'm sorry about that. And then when you were trying to pick up every single piece of it I told you to hurry up and didn't say it real nice. I'm sorry about that too. And then I kinda turned into psycho mommy rushing you around because we were already really running late and I was freaking out about it. So The Hulk I'm sorry about that too. This morning was just a rough morning. Some days I suck at this parenting thing and I make mistakes. Some days I yell and sometimes I rush you. Sometimes I forget that you are still just little and have short legs and big eyes. You walk slow so you can see it all and I'm big now and tend to hurry to much. So I'm sorry.
But luckily we have way more good days than bad days. So I'm hoping that you don't forget that. I hope you remember how much fun I have holding your hand when we walk. And I hope you don't forget how we explore together and play. I hope you never forget how much I love you and how really cool I think you are. And I hope that I don't forget what you were like when you were little like this. I love watching you learn new things. I love how you laugh and stomp your feet when you get excited. And most of all I am so grateful that even in my worst parenting moments you still adore me.
I love you The Hulk!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Holiday Traditions
Every family has holiday traditions and I'm always fascinated by that. I am intrigued by the little things that become big traditions in families. For example as a kid it was always a holiday tradition that us kids got to pick out the wrapping paper we wanted for our gifts. Then all of our presents were wrapped in that paper. It saved mom a ton of time because she didn't have to put tags on all the packages. And it was cool for us kids to pick our own paper.
I knew that this was a tradition that I wanted to carry on with my own children. But I was anticipating starting it this year. I really didn't think The Hulk could pick his paper yet. But I was wrong! We were at the store and we weren't even there for wrapping paper. But he started screaming Melmo over and over. And I turned around and there on the shelf was a roll of Elmo Christmas paper. So the tradition has continued. The Hulk held his Melmo paper all through the store, the car ride home and played with it until nap time that day. When he fell asleep I hid it so it would survive to wrap the presents.
He is gonna be so thrilled to see his Melmo paper on Christmas morning!
Clickin Mama
I knew that this was a tradition that I wanted to carry on with my own children. But I was anticipating starting it this year. I really didn't think The Hulk could pick his paper yet. But I was wrong! We were at the store and we weren't even there for wrapping paper. But he started screaming Melmo over and over. And I turned around and there on the shelf was a roll of Elmo Christmas paper. So the tradition has continued. The Hulk held his Melmo paper all through the store, the car ride home and played with it until nap time that day. When he fell asleep I hid it so it would survive to wrap the presents.
He is gonna be so thrilled to see his Melmo paper on Christmas morning!
Clickin Mama
Monday, December 21, 2009
Not Me Monday!
In an effort to multi-task while also providing my child with stimulating educational activities I did NOT place him in his high chair and give him art supplies to use while I made a meat loaf.
I also would NOT be turning the scribbled on papers he created as Christmas cards. I'm NOT masquerading behind cheesy kid art because I'm broke and don't wanna spend money on cards.
I did NOT fall in my kitchen this morning in a puddle of water. The Hulk seems to enjoy getting water out of the refrigerator door. While fun for him Mommy could break a hip. Nice!
What did you NOT do this week?
Clickin Mama
I also would NOT be turning the scribbled on papers he created as Christmas cards. I'm NOT masquerading behind cheesy kid art because I'm broke and don't wanna spend money on cards.
I did NOT fall in my kitchen this morning in a puddle of water. The Hulk seems to enjoy getting water out of the refrigerator door. While fun for him Mommy could break a hip. Nice!
What did you NOT do this week?
Clickin Mama
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Dr. Mommy
Blood has always made me feel a little yucky. And I am not much for giving shots. And I never thought I could perform surgery. But motherhood changes you. You become braver and tougher. You have to put aside your fears for the sake of your child. So doctor I have become! Surgery is nothing for this mama!
Elmo surgery that is!
It seems this Elmo had his stuffing loved right out of him. So with The Hulk holding Elmo's hand we performed a little operation. Elmo and I both were brave. And at the end of the day the only one left bleeding was me. Elmo came through the procedure with flying colors. He even got to go back to The Hulk's bed the same night. What can I say Elmo is one tough guy!
The Hulk has been very kind and supportive of Elmo as he recovers from this procedure. There is no rough housing with Elmo and he is given lots of hugs and kisses. The Hulk also makes sure we change Elmo's bandages frequently. You wouldn't want Elmo to get an infection or something. I have a feeling that Elmo will make a full recovery by the end of the weekend. Let's all hope because Dr. Mommy is running low on band aids.
Oh the things we do for our children....
Clickin Mama
Elmo surgery that is!
It seems this Elmo had his stuffing loved right out of him. So with The Hulk holding Elmo's hand we performed a little operation. Elmo and I both were brave. And at the end of the day the only one left bleeding was me. Elmo came through the procedure with flying colors. He even got to go back to The Hulk's bed the same night. What can I say Elmo is one tough guy!
The Hulk has been very kind and supportive of Elmo as he recovers from this procedure. There is no rough housing with Elmo and he is given lots of hugs and kisses. The Hulk also makes sure we change Elmo's bandages frequently. You wouldn't want Elmo to get an infection or something. I have a feeling that Elmo will make a full recovery by the end of the weekend. Let's all hope because Dr. Mommy is running low on band aids.
Oh the things we do for our children....
Clickin Mama
Saturday, December 19, 2009
The Hulk with his Grandpa Keith and his Grandpa the Great Gerald. Does life get much better than this????
Clickin Mama
Clickin Mama
Friday, December 18, 2009
So Proud!
Last Sunday my baby sister, Heather, graduated from college! Yes that's right college! How can this be I wondered as she walked across the stage. I didn't think I'd get emotional about it but as they said her name I started to cry. I'm just so dang proud of her!!!
Shortly after Heather started college our mom was diagnosed with cancer. And then not much later she died. I don't know if I could have stayed in school and done so well. But Heather did. Not only did she stick with it and graduate but she did so with honors. She really is a fabulous student. Not just strong but tough! That's our girl.
I know I'm not the only one that is proud of her. My Dad and the rest of our family is very proud too. But I really believe our mom was there with us on Sunday. And I really believe she was probably cheering and shouting very loud from heaven. I know she is super proud of her girl. We all are!
Good job Heather! We love you so much!
Clickin Mama
Adoption Scams
If you have ever ventured into the world of adoption you know there are some adoption con artisits out there. Sick people willing to prey on folks that are desperate for children. This is just another example of one of those people. Luckily this bad guy is behind bars now. But always be careful during the adoption process. And if you have ever had contact with the guy in this video or given him any money make sure you contact the authorities.
Clickin Mama
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Clickin Mama
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Grandpa's Are Great!
My Dad came home for a visit recently. My sister Heather graduated from college and he couldn't miss that. So while he was here The Hulk was one happy boy! He has figured out that Grandpa's are pretty darn great.

Grandpa's are great for hugging, reading, wrestling and rough housing. Grandpa's are great for fixing things and playing and most of all snuggling. Grandpa's mean you get to bend some rules and stay up late. And Grandpa's will even lay with you until you fall asleep.
Not only are Grandpa's great but so are Dad's. While my Dad was here he did lots of really great things for me. I couldn't get any time off work so while I was at work he did all my laundry, fixed the shelves in a couple of my cabinets, cleaned my garage, turned in my recycling, and got my oil changed for me. After he left I also found out that he did a little extra shopping for me leaving behind lots of laundry detergent and cleaning things that cost a lot but you seem to always use. And he even filled my car up with gas! Thanks dad!!!!
So The Hulk had lots of fun with his Grandpa. And I had lots of fun with my Dad! We wish he lived closer so we could see him more often. Hopefully we can lure him back for another visit soon!
Love you Dad... Love you Grandpa...
Love us!
Clickin Mama and The Hulk

Grandpa's are great for hugging, reading, wrestling and rough housing. Grandpa's are great for fixing things and playing and most of all snuggling. Grandpa's mean you get to bend some rules and stay up late. And Grandpa's will even lay with you until you fall asleep.
Not only are Grandpa's great but so are Dad's. While my Dad was here he did lots of really great things for me. I couldn't get any time off work so while I was at work he did all my laundry, fixed the shelves in a couple of my cabinets, cleaned my garage, turned in my recycling, and got my oil changed for me. After he left I also found out that he did a little extra shopping for me leaving behind lots of laundry detergent and cleaning things that cost a lot but you seem to always use. And he even filled my car up with gas! Thanks dad!!!!
So The Hulk had lots of fun with his Grandpa. And I had lots of fun with my Dad! We wish he lived closer so we could see him more often. Hopefully we can lure him back for another visit soon!
Love you Dad... Love you Grandpa...
Love us!
Clickin Mama and The Hulk
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Christmas Letters
Have you started getting the Christmas cards and letters at your house yet? They have started arriving at my house. And with each Christmas letter I open I feel a bit guilty that I never do such things. Maybe I should send a Christmas letter this year. But what would I say? Everyone else has Christmas letters filled with promotions, honor roll making children, adorable dogs, matching outfits, and perfection. Hmmm... But after spending quite a bit of time on it I think I got the perfect Christmas letter written.
Dear Family and Friends-
Happy Holidays to you all! What a year it has been! How can Christmas already be here?!? Time just flies by doesn't it.
This has been one wild year. I started off the year a single unemployed mother living off her family, quickly vanishing savings, and prayer. But luckily come February I was offered and accepted a job that I don't particularly like that doesn't even pay enough to cover my bills. It's great that I get to spend 40 hours a week there before coming home to work another 30 or so hours a week at my photography business. SUPER!!!
At least we have our health right! Oh or not. Now that I think about it I have crazy blood sugar that seems to go up and down faster than a roller coaster. The Hulk has asthma and seems to think that seizures are a cool new thing to try too. I don't have much feeling left in my feet and I think I'm getting carpel tunnel in my wrist. But the great news is that my mammogram while unpleasant revealed that I have really healthy breasts!
Most importantly The Hulk and I have one another. His amazing ability to run into everything in his path yet avoid broken bones and make animal sounds on command make this mama proud. He has a killer smile, gives great hugs, and picks up his own toys. He is convinced that his Aunt Heather is really his dad and I just pray everyday I'm not totally screwing him up. I can't imagine life without him and hope to adopt another kidlet sometime soon as long as I can avoid bankruptcy, foreclosure or the mental hospital.
So that about sums up our year. I did leave out the bad stuff like sewer water in the house, broken tiles, trucks driving through the yard, and the utilities getting shut off on occasion. I hate to be a downer.
Have A Real Merry Christmas!
Clickin Mama and The Hulk
Now if I could just afford the stamps I would send this out....
Dear Family and Friends-
Happy Holidays to you all! What a year it has been! How can Christmas already be here?!? Time just flies by doesn't it.
This has been one wild year. I started off the year a single unemployed mother living off her family, quickly vanishing savings, and prayer. But luckily come February I was offered and accepted a job that I don't particularly like that doesn't even pay enough to cover my bills. It's great that I get to spend 40 hours a week there before coming home to work another 30 or so hours a week at my photography business. SUPER!!!
At least we have our health right! Oh or not. Now that I think about it I have crazy blood sugar that seems to go up and down faster than a roller coaster. The Hulk has asthma and seems to think that seizures are a cool new thing to try too. I don't have much feeling left in my feet and I think I'm getting carpel tunnel in my wrist. But the great news is that my mammogram while unpleasant revealed that I have really healthy breasts!
Most importantly The Hulk and I have one another. His amazing ability to run into everything in his path yet avoid broken bones and make animal sounds on command make this mama proud. He has a killer smile, gives great hugs, and picks up his own toys. He is convinced that his Aunt Heather is really his dad and I just pray everyday I'm not totally screwing him up. I can't imagine life without him and hope to adopt another kidlet sometime soon as long as I can avoid bankruptcy, foreclosure or the mental hospital.
So that about sums up our year. I did leave out the bad stuff like sewer water in the house, broken tiles, trucks driving through the yard, and the utilities getting shut off on occasion. I hate to be a downer.
Have A Real Merry Christmas!
Clickin Mama and The Hulk
Now if I could just afford the stamps I would send this out....
Working Mommy Feature
Julia over at Sweet As Punkin Pie had a great idea to feature working mom's on her blog. I have really loved reading about how other working mom's manage to get it all done. And today Julia is featuring me for her Working Mommy Wednesdays. So head over and check out what I had to say. And make sure you check back next week to see what some other great working mommy has to share!
Great idea Julia! You rock!!!!
Clickin Mama

Great idea Julia! You rock!!!!
Clickin Mama
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
What Do You See?
What do you see when you look at this picture?
You probably see a pile of old junk. An old rusty tub filled with metal and wires. A discarded heap of leftover useless parts. Yeah that is what I saw too. But then I saw something else.
I saw some metal wire that had been discarded but could still probably be salvaged for some meaningful project. I saw a tub that if emptied could be filled with a wild toddler boy for a crazy fun photo shoot. I saw an old side mirror that has glass still intact. So I saw a rusty tub full of promise.
It's funny how things change when we just change our perspective. How often do we all look in the mirror and see old saggy parts rather than the beauty of our healthy yet plump bodies. How often do we see wrinkles rather than the smiles that caused them. How many times have we seen a sun spot a sighed with dread instead of remembering the times we ran with our kids in the sun.
I'm trying really hard lately to change my perspective. Life isn't always the way it seems at first glance. So join me as I embark on this new challenge for myself. Take a good look in the mirror of your life and tell me what you see?!?
Clickin Mama
You probably see a pile of old junk. An old rusty tub filled with metal and wires. A discarded heap of leftover useless parts. Yeah that is what I saw too. But then I saw something else.
I saw some metal wire that had been discarded but could still probably be salvaged for some meaningful project. I saw a tub that if emptied could be filled with a wild toddler boy for a crazy fun photo shoot. I saw an old side mirror that has glass still intact. So I saw a rusty tub full of promise.
It's funny how things change when we just change our perspective. How often do we all look in the mirror and see old saggy parts rather than the beauty of our healthy yet plump bodies. How often do we see wrinkles rather than the smiles that caused them. How many times have we seen a sun spot a sighed with dread instead of remembering the times we ran with our kids in the sun.
I'm trying really hard lately to change my perspective. Life isn't always the way it seems at first glance. So join me as I embark on this new challenge for myself. Take a good look in the mirror of your life and tell me what you see?!?
Clickin Mama
Monday, December 14, 2009
Not Me Monday!
I did NOT leave my computer turned off all weekend to just enjoy time with my family! My Dad is NOT in town for his first visit in months and I haven't just been spending time with him and The Hulk and Heather.
I did NOT scream like crazy when Heather graduated yesterday. Hearing her name called and seeing her walk across the stage did NOT make me cry.
I did NOT let The Hulk eat insane amounts of mac and cheese yesterday because I was just thrilled to see him eating something. He has NOT be avoiding all food since having this last infection.
And I am NOT at work today even though I have a low grade fever and no voice. There is NO way I used up all my sick days on my sick kid and am now stuck working when I am sick. Never! Not ME!!!
Clickin Mama
I did NOT scream like crazy when Heather graduated yesterday. Hearing her name called and seeing her walk across the stage did NOT make me cry.
I did NOT let The Hulk eat insane amounts of mac and cheese yesterday because I was just thrilled to see him eating something. He has NOT be avoiding all food since having this last infection.
And I am NOT at work today even though I have a low grade fever and no voice. There is NO way I used up all my sick days on my sick kid and am now stuck working when I am sick. Never! Not ME!!!
Clickin Mama
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Warmer Days
These pictures are from October when we were enjoying warmer days. Days that a little boy could be entertained with simple pleasures like leaves, corn, his favorite dog and some water to splash in. Days when a long sleeve shirt was sufficient to keep the chill away. Not so much like today when the high was a whole 8degrees.
Oh how I love winter. I love the snow and the crispness in the air. But something happens when it drops below 20 degrees. It is just painful. I love winter but but not Artic winter. When it's 30 or above we can bundle up and play outside still. But much below that and we are stuck indoors waiting and hoping for warmer days.
So until it warms up we will just look at our pictures and snuggle under lots of blankets. We aren't hibernating yet but it's getting close....
Clickin Mama
Oh how I love winter. I love the snow and the crispness in the air. But something happens when it drops below 20 degrees. It is just painful. I love winter but but not Artic winter. When it's 30 or above we can bundle up and play outside still. But much below that and we are stuck indoors waiting and hoping for warmer days.
So until it warms up we will just look at our pictures and snuggle under lots of blankets. We aren't hibernating yet but it's getting close....
Clickin Mama
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
The Things You Don't Think Of
Before you have children you try to imagine what it will be like. You think of the fun games you can play. The cuddles and snuggles. All the books you will read and songs you will sing. You think of late nights and feedings. You think of toys and carseats and safety devices. But there are some things you just never think of. You can't really. Because there are moments as a parent when you just find yourself in awe. You catch yourself in moment and think can this be real. Is this really happening.
Because some of those things that you don't think of include....
A toddler standing on a chair and reaching for an object on an end table. He looks so cute and you begin to reach for him to help him balance. And right as your hand approaches to protect he slips and falls. His little toddler skull slams into the table and you both scream. You are only inches away and can do nothing. So now your cute toddler looks like a boxer that lost a fight with a swollen eye and puffy cheek.
Or how about that moment that you snuggle in with your baby after he has slammed his skull on a table to comfort him. You cuddle with him and give him some juice. He starts to feel better as you apply the frozen peas to his battered face. After he finishes his juice you take the cup to the kitchen and return to see him jumping in the chair. You sit him down in the chair and remind him that jumping isn't good on furniture. He immediately pops back up and spews vomit across the chair and your newly cleaned carpet and then plops right back down like nothing happened. Yep you never think that will happen before you have kids.
Oh and how about that moment when you call your sister to tell her all about how crazy your night has been. You call to tell her about how freaky parenting is and how you must be a really crappy mom to let your baby slam his head on a table right in front of you. And in the middle of your conversation as you vent and clean puke off your floor you look up to see your toddler walking right off the edge of the chair and slamming his already bruised face into the floor and a puddle of puke. That is something you never think of before you have kids!
But I wouldn't know anything about that. We only read stories and sing songs here. Nothing crazy like that could ever happen in this house. Nope tonight we sipped hot chocolate and watched It's a Wonderful Life. There is no way in the world any of those things could happen!
Clickin Mama
Because some of those things that you don't think of include....
A toddler standing on a chair and reaching for an object on an end table. He looks so cute and you begin to reach for him to help him balance. And right as your hand approaches to protect he slips and falls. His little toddler skull slams into the table and you both scream. You are only inches away and can do nothing. So now your cute toddler looks like a boxer that lost a fight with a swollen eye and puffy cheek.
Or how about that moment that you snuggle in with your baby after he has slammed his skull on a table to comfort him. You cuddle with him and give him some juice. He starts to feel better as you apply the frozen peas to his battered face. After he finishes his juice you take the cup to the kitchen and return to see him jumping in the chair. You sit him down in the chair and remind him that jumping isn't good on furniture. He immediately pops back up and spews vomit across the chair and your newly cleaned carpet and then plops right back down like nothing happened. Yep you never think that will happen before you have kids.
Oh and how about that moment when you call your sister to tell her all about how crazy your night has been. You call to tell her about how freaky parenting is and how you must be a really crappy mom to let your baby slam his head on a table right in front of you. And in the middle of your conversation as you vent and clean puke off your floor you look up to see your toddler walking right off the edge of the chair and slamming his already bruised face into the floor and a puddle of puke. That is something you never think of before you have kids!
But I wouldn't know anything about that. We only read stories and sing songs here. Nothing crazy like that could ever happen in this house. Nope tonight we sipped hot chocolate and watched It's a Wonderful Life. There is no way in the world any of those things could happen!
Clickin Mama
Monday, December 7, 2009
Rough Day
The little man has had a rough day today. He was coughing most of the weekend and I thought it was just asthma and a cold. But today he got a fever at daycare and had another seizure. It seems that is just what The Hulk does when he gets a fever. And by the time I picked him up his breathing had worsened and he was starting to have retractions. No fun. So off to the doctor we went.
Luckily we have so far avoided being admitted to the hospital. But it is still a possibility if he doesn't respond quickly to the steriods and antibiotics that the doctor prescribed. I'm hopefully optimistic that he will rebound quickly at home and we can avoid the hospital all together. Traditionally The Hulk gets very sick very quickly. It's like he is a little sick and then he jumps off a cliff and is in pretty bad shape in moments. But he also bounces back very quickly. He does respond well to medication so I'm really fortunate.
My friend Darby asked me today how I was doing. And honestly I'm doing pretty well. I told her that it is kind of becoming old hat. While I still take his breathing problems and seizures very seriously I'm starting to figure him out. There are some things I really look for that are clear indicators to me that The Hulk is in real trouble. If The Hulk can't/won't drink I know we must get medical care as soon as possible. That is a very clear sign that he is not breathing well at all. In fact I can about gaurantee that if we are at that point his oxygen stats are below 90. And sure enough today I was right. Learning his signs helps me very much to stay calm. So while I still get worried about him at least I don't have to panic all the time. Just when the signs point in that direction. :-)
So that's my story....
Clickin Mama
Luckily we have so far avoided being admitted to the hospital. But it is still a possibility if he doesn't respond quickly to the steriods and antibiotics that the doctor prescribed. I'm hopefully optimistic that he will rebound quickly at home and we can avoid the hospital all together. Traditionally The Hulk gets very sick very quickly. It's like he is a little sick and then he jumps off a cliff and is in pretty bad shape in moments. But he also bounces back very quickly. He does respond well to medication so I'm really fortunate.
My friend Darby asked me today how I was doing. And honestly I'm doing pretty well. I told her that it is kind of becoming old hat. While I still take his breathing problems and seizures very seriously I'm starting to figure him out. There are some things I really look for that are clear indicators to me that The Hulk is in real trouble. If The Hulk can't/won't drink I know we must get medical care as soon as possible. That is a very clear sign that he is not breathing well at all. In fact I can about gaurantee that if we are at that point his oxygen stats are below 90. And sure enough today I was right. Learning his signs helps me very much to stay calm. So while I still get worried about him at least I don't have to panic all the time. Just when the signs point in that direction. :-)
So that's my story....
Clickin Mama
Sunday, December 6, 2009
20 Months!
The Hulk is 20 months old! Mr. The Hulk has turned into Mr. Comedian! This month has been full of laughs. The Hulk has really figured out how to crack me up. He is always putting on a show to try and get a chuckle out of me. He also has some dang funny expressions that always leave me laughing.
One of the best things about The Hulk is how he can turn any object into a toy of some sort. It doesn't matter if it is a wooden spoon or one of my hair rollers. He will play with anything. And now his imagination is really starting to develop. Playing with him in the evenings before bed is one of my favorite things!
This month The Hulk has really started to talk. One day he wasn't saying much and the next day he kept saying "What's That" over and over. And when you tell him he attempts to repeat it. This verbal explosion has been very welcome! It has really helped alleviate some of his frustration and it's so nice to be able to ask him something and have him answer instead of having to guess. I love that he is a talker!
As always The Hulk learned some new things this month. Here are a few of my favorites...
He knocks on doors now before opening them. And he says a version of please and thank you! I'm so hoping to raise a polite young man!
He puts/throws his cup in the sink when finished with it and he also puts clothes that I hand him out of the washer into the dryer for me. Chores already! YAHOO!!!
He can do actions to songs now which is a super fun party trick. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star anyone?
Some new words that The Hulk started using this month are shoe, hat, drink, car, truck, go, sock, box, music, easy, again, do it, where, and baby.
Clickin Mama
One of the best things about The Hulk is how he can turn any object into a toy of some sort. It doesn't matter if it is a wooden spoon or one of my hair rollers. He will play with anything. And now his imagination is really starting to develop. Playing with him in the evenings before bed is one of my favorite things!
This month The Hulk has really started to talk. One day he wasn't saying much and the next day he kept saying "What's That" over and over. And when you tell him he attempts to repeat it. This verbal explosion has been very welcome! It has really helped alleviate some of his frustration and it's so nice to be able to ask him something and have him answer instead of having to guess. I love that he is a talker!
As always The Hulk learned some new things this month. Here are a few of my favorites...
He knocks on doors now before opening them. And he says a version of please and thank you! I'm so hoping to raise a polite young man!
He puts/throws his cup in the sink when finished with it and he also puts clothes that I hand him out of the washer into the dryer for me. Chores already! YAHOO!!!
He can do actions to songs now which is a super fun party trick. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star anyone?
Some new words that The Hulk started using this month are shoe, hat, drink, car, truck, go, sock, box, music, easy, again, do it, where, and baby.
Clickin Mama
Friday, December 4, 2009
Click This
I love taking senior pictures. So much personality comes out. But this session with Mr. C has to have been my favorite senior session with a boy. While I love taking senior pictures it is often a really ackward age for kids. They are almost adults but not really and sometimes conversation can be difficult. Most often that's a problem with the boys rather than the girls. But not so with Mr. C.
Mr. C was one of the most outgoing, friendly, and just darn kind young men I have ever met. You could just tell that he had a happy spirit and some amazing parents. They raised a great young man. If my The Hulk turns out half as wonderful as Mr. C I will be thrilled. For example, Mr. C is a football player. I really wanted to get some pics of him on the university football field. Of course the gate was locked but there was a hole in the fence. So I say let's go thru there. He got about half way thru and stopped. He said it made him feel sneaky and that if we were supposed to be in there the gate would be open. So true Mr. C. I couldn't even get him to trespass for a good cause!
You are a joy Mr. C. Thanks for letting me take your pics!
Clickin Mama
Mr. C was one of the most outgoing, friendly, and just darn kind young men I have ever met. You could just tell that he had a happy spirit and some amazing parents. They raised a great young man. If my The Hulk turns out half as wonderful as Mr. C I will be thrilled. For example, Mr. C is a football player. I really wanted to get some pics of him on the university football field. Of course the gate was locked but there was a hole in the fence. So I say let's go thru there. He got about half way thru and stopped. He said it made him feel sneaky and that if we were supposed to be in there the gate would be open. So true Mr. C. I couldn't even get him to trespass for a good cause!
You are a joy Mr. C. Thanks for letting me take your pics!
Clickin Mama
Thursday, December 3, 2009
You Tiger
Did you all know that I have a huge love affair with Tiger Woods. It's true. I always have. In fact I hated golf before Tiger. But there is something about him that makes me watch the game in a whole new way. Oh I remember what it is about him that does that. It's his beautiful biceps and amazing smile. And I also really really adored his relationship with his father. He loved his dad! And a person that really loves and adores their parents always gets my attention.
So since I love him you would think that I would be more caught up in the Tiger drama of the last few days. But I'm not. Because honestly I don't think their should be any drama. The guy wrecked his SUV. Granted he did so in the middle of the night leaving his house but seriously he wrecked his SUV. Lots of people wreck their cars every day. This should not be on the news!!!
And in the midst of the wrecking of SUV's it comes out that he might be having an affair. And then my Tiger admits to transgressions.... And then again I wonder why is this on TV. LOTS of people have affairs every day! This should not be on the news. His name is Tiger! Did you really think he was faithful to his wife???
Is it only me that wonders why this is "news". Why is someone's driving record and stories of sexual conquests on CNN? Is there nothing else they could focus on? Did you know that World Aids Day was yesterday? Probably not because it wasn't mentioned on the major news networks because they were busy talking about Tiger. Something is very wrong with that....
Clickin Mama
So since I love him you would think that I would be more caught up in the Tiger drama of the last few days. But I'm not. Because honestly I don't think their should be any drama. The guy wrecked his SUV. Granted he did so in the middle of the night leaving his house but seriously he wrecked his SUV. Lots of people wreck their cars every day. This should not be on the news!!!
And in the midst of the wrecking of SUV's it comes out that he might be having an affair. And then my Tiger admits to transgressions.... And then again I wonder why is this on TV. LOTS of people have affairs every day! This should not be on the news. His name is Tiger! Did you really think he was faithful to his wife???
Is it only me that wonders why this is "news". Why is someone's driving record and stories of sexual conquests on CNN? Is there nothing else they could focus on? Did you know that World Aids Day was yesterday? Probably not because it wasn't mentioned on the major news networks because they were busy talking about Tiger. Something is very wrong with that....
Clickin Mama
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I Think I Can
The Hulk and I live in a ranch style house on a cement slab. That means there are no stairs in our house at all. And Miss Liz has no stairs at daycare either. So even though The Hulk is rapidly approaching two years old he doesn't know how to climb stairs. Well I should say he didn't know how. Because on Thanksgiving day The Hulk learned how to climb stairs for the first time. My Aunt Phyllis and Uncle Tom have stairs at their house and The Hulk was determined to figure them out.
I love watching The Hulk learn how to do new things. And I love it when I can actually capture it in pictures.

And seriously doesn't he look adorable in jeans! I just love how he looks as a big boy. He is like a little man running around or climbing around. I just love this age!!!
Clickin Mama
I love watching The Hulk learn how to do new things. And I love it when I can actually capture it in pictures.

And seriously doesn't he look adorable in jeans! I just love how he looks as a big boy. He is like a little man running around or climbing around. I just love this age!!!
Clickin Mama
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