Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Good Cause
Clickin Mama
Wish me luck on the metro!!!
Clickin Mama
Friday, May 29, 2009
Two Against One
"I say no no, listen that The Hulk".
"He's touching my water".
"I wanted it first".
"Eat that The Hulk" (She wanted him to eat the dog food)
"Sy butt in my face".
That was just the commentary that went with what I feel turned into a toddler cage fight! It all started when Mattie hit The Hulk with a toy phone. He then pushed her down and was laying on top of her. And the fight was on. I don't think a winner could be declared. The Hulk has size and strength on his side but Mattie is tiny and quick. She also can poke an eye faster than any child I've seen. But The Hulk has one hell of a fish hook to the mouth move. They can put on quite a show.
I finally got them back on track and put them in the tub for a bath. They had fun for a bit until they both wanted to sit by the faucet. That's not feasible but they kept trying to make it work. After I got them all washed and rinsed off I was feeling pretty confident. But then I got them out of the tub and they tagged teamed me. All was well and then the next thing I knew there were naked kids running and crawling everywhere! It took me forever to get them dressed!
Thank God they went to bed early!

Clickin Mama
Thursday, May 28, 2009
D.C. Help
- I have very limited time for sight seeing. Only after 4:30 each day. In that limited amount of time what do you think I MUST see or do.
- Know any great restaurants?
- Know any great shops?
- Is the metro safe? Am I going to be totally lost on the metro?
- Do any of you live in D.C?
So those are my questions.... Can you help this Kansas girl make the most of her big trip to the city? I want to make the most of my time. While the conference is my priority I want to take advantage of all the free time I have.
Clickin Mama
3 days until I go to Washington D.C.
14 months is how old The Hulk is now
33 days until my birthday
29 how old I will be!
7 loads of laundry to do
6 bills that need paid
4 the number of days I've worked out in a row
187 my blood sugar this morning
17 photo shoots scheduled for the month of June
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Yummy Stuff
Salsa Chicken
2 Chicken Breasts
1 can reduced fat cream of mushroom soup
1/2 jar of salsa
Place chicken in crockpot and cover with the soup and salsa. Cook on low heat for
6-8 hours or high heat for 4-5 hours. I served it over brown rice but I think it would be great over pasta also.
So after you try it let me know what you think!
Clickin Mama
Love Affair

Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day
We have had a beautiful weekend. See I even have proof!

The forecast was calling for rain yesterday but we were so lucky. It stayed nice and sunny for us so we could go to visit mom.

The Hulk was very very sleepy! So he just sat on the bench and tried not to fall asleep.

He also sat in the grass and watched us all while of course trying not to fall asleep.

While The Hulk sat around we decorated mom's grave. The aunts brought her lots of new pretty things.

I think it turned out very nice! We love you mama and we miss you always!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Saturday, May 23, 2009
What Happened To The Hulk
Let me explain. The Hulk does not have bruises. Well he does have one small bruise on his knee from a wipe out the other day. But the "bruising" you can see on his back are actually Mongolian Spots or the technical definition is slate grey nerves of infancy. In layman terms they are basically areas that have excess pigmintation. Many children that are native american, asian, or black have these spots. In some cases the spots fade by the time a child is five and other times they stay forever. The Hulk has lots of spots that have not faded at all. Most often the spots are on the back and buttocks. The Hulk has a lot on his back and bottom and also has one on his arm and one on his shoulder.
I carry a sheet with me from his doctor that identifies all the spots so if I'm ever questioned I have medical documentaion stating what the spots are. You would be surprised how many parents of children with Mongolian Spots are called in for abuse. I was actually called in once and my doctor's note came in handy.
Here is another pic that shows most of The Hulk' spots. It also shows his adorable bum and chubby legs! I love those legs! One day those adorable rolls are going to disappear and I'm going to miss them!

Friday, May 22, 2009
Splish Splash
Long About A Saturday Night

Scrub Dub I Should Be Washing In The Tub
But Instead I Was Eating Everything In Sight

I Used To Be A Baby That Smelled So Sweet
But Now My Mama Says I Got Real Stinky Feet

So I Spend My Spend My Time Playing In The Tub
While Mama Washes Me... What Is She Thinking?

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Free To Be Me
Clickin Mama
Blooming Beautiful
This week after The Hulk has gone to bed I've been going out on the patio for awhile each evening. I take my book and just sit and read and enjoy the nice weather. Oh and these nice flowers....

Clickin Mama
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The picture above is of one of my favorite looks that The Hulk has. It is his thinking face. He makes that face when he is trying to figure something out. For a boy that is usually such a clown I love it when he shows his serious side. I love watching him learn and discover things. Don't get me wrong I LOVE the laughing silly The Hulk show that is almost constant but I also love the other part of him too.
In fact until I had The Hulk I had no idea how much joy comes from watching a child learn. Every day there is a new adventure, a new discovery to be made. I forgot the joy that bubbles bring, or the way leaves blowing in the wind can entertain and calm you. Watching him learn about the world is an amazing gift! So in between laughs I don't mind if he stops quietly and gets that look on his face while he soaks this big world in.
Clickin Mama
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I have found diapers that at least fit him now. He now wears a size 7 Pampers cruiser. Yes they do actually make a size 7 diaper. However, they do not sell size 7 diapers in the regular store. So I must special order the diapers online.
I always dreaded the idea of having to have diapers shipped to you. There is no last minute I'm down to one diaper rush trip to Wal-Mart. You have to order well in advance. Order delays can leave a boy running around with a naked bum. Which he wouldn't complain about but some others might.
Well I am no longer filled with dread. Because I found the best site in the world for ordering diapers. is the BEST! Seriously I ordered a box of diapers last Thursday at about 4:00. The box of diapers were sitting beside my door when I got home from work on Friday! 24 hours for free shipping! That never happens. So lets all give a round of applause! Good work!!!
Clickin Mama
Monday, May 18, 2009
Not Me Monday
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
Here we go again... Time for my free therapy....
I did NOT have a mini meltdown over the air conditioning problems. I did NOT freak out about the expense. I did NOT spend any time at all crying over a stupid air conditioner.
I did NOT walk in to check on a sleeping The Hulk and see a naked baby butt in the crib. He does NOT like to take his diaper off. I did Not re diaper and put PJ bottoms back on my child. I then did NOT go in the next morning to see a little naked boy standing in the crib peeing through the bars onto the floor.
I was NOT the old mean neighbor lady and tell the neighbor kids to turn down their music so The Hulk could nap.
I supervise my child at all times so I did NOT find him snapping the heads of marigold plants at Wal-Mart while I looked at veggie plants. I did NOT push all the broken marigold heads under the rack and walk away quickly so no one would notice and think it was us.
And I did NOT write my 200th article for eHow this week.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Another Good Day
The yard is really starting to come together. We got all our veggies planted today for our garden. We just did zucchini, tomatoes, bell peppers, and cucumbers. Some of the things we eat the most of. I have a rock bed in my back yard that still needs to have rock added to it. And there is still a section of yard that needs a good clean up but we have made great progress.
I bet I could get the rest finished if I just had one more day to the weekend....
Clickin Mama
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Wonderful Day
But I actually got all of my flowers planted today! Wahoo! I put The Hulk in his swing in the front yard and planted flowers out there. Then when he went down for a long afternoon nap I worked in the backyard. Not only did I get all my flowers planted but I also cleaned the patio and got a bunch of junk together to take to the dump tomorrow. And I sprayed the yard for insects and weeds! Talk about productive and fun.
I just got done weeding the last flower bed and it's dark. So I'm off to take a shower and then I'm going to enjoy a nice glass of wine on my clean, flower smelling patio! Happy day!
Clickin Mama
Friday, May 15, 2009
Air Conditioner Overload
Thanks for taking the time to give me an estimate. After researching the available products on the market I need an estimate for the following:
A 2 or 3 ton stage 2 air conditioner with a minimum SEER rating of 16. My current unit has a SEER rating of 8 and is not sufficient.
A furnace that has a minimum efficiency rating of 96%.
A high quality air filtration system and humidifier. I have no interest in the UV light systems due to the high yearly maintenance costs.
I will need duct work rerun and resized going to my back room and the garage.
I will also need a thermostat compatible with the Stage 2 system.
The liquid line will need to be rerun and I would prefer this be done on the outside of the house.
So do you think that is clear enough? I hope so! I'm so ready for this to be over with. Here is to hoping I can get a good bid back soon.
Clickin Mama
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Criminal Activity
It appears that we cannot be trusted!
This little criminal is now facing charges!
Destruction of property
Not only destruction of property but also....
Mail Tampering

He did ask if Aunt Donna and Aunt Adair would pardon him
since he is so cute....
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Still Frowned Upon
I'm sure it is still frowned upon....
But it really comes down to numbers for me...
The fine for burning in town is $25.00!
I can risk the fine and burn the leaves in about 45 minutes...
Or I can follow the "rules" and spend about 2 hours bagging the leaves up!
So I decided that my time was worth more than $25.00.
Burn away yucky leaves!
Mama has better things to do!
I know what your thinking
Crazy Rebel!
In My Head
My sister isn't moving to San Francisco. This was a difficult decision for her and she is pretty upset. I'm bothered that she is hurting but I won't lie... I'm also thrilled she isn't going to be so far away.
I spent 45 minutes at Cartridge World this morning because the old guy working there couldn't ring up my purchase correctly. At first I was patient but honestly by the time I left I was pretty pissed. I don't like wasting time!
My blood sugar was under 200 this morning. Can I get an Amen! It's still high but not your going to go blind, lose a limb and need a kidney transplant high. So we are making progress.
The Hulk is a monster on steroids! There has been much crying and fit throwing going on and he and I are both worn out. Who knew that asthma was the devil! I have a new found respect for asthma moms. It's a lot of work! Someone tell me it gets better once meds are regulated?!?
I haven't cleaned my house in days (see worn out above)! It is starting to reach the scary point. My foot stuck to the tile floor when I walked by the high chair this morning. Maybe tonight after The Hulk goes to bed I'll have more energy to get the floor mopped at least.
It keeps raining here. Like flood raining. Like Noah needs to start building an ark kind of raining. The yard is a swamp so no outside playing for the last several days.
My flowers haven't been planted. They are living in little plastic containers in the garage. They won't be living much longer if they don't get planted. But it's to wet to plant them now (See freaking flood story above).
I got the air conditioner fixed so the house is cooler and the water leak has stopped. However, my wall and carpet are ruined so now I have to get that fixed. Mold is the devil and will make The Hulk sick (see asthma steroids monster section above). So that will probably cost a fortune and I don't even know where to start. Who the heck just replaces one wall? Do you call a contractor for that? Oh wait if I had a husband I'd call him. But I don't. So who does that?
The bad dreams have stopped. Now I just don't really sleep. I'm wide awake until about 2 hours before the alarm goes off and then I'm exhausted all day. That's lovely.
Crap I'm running late now. Why do I try to blog in the morning before work!
Clickin Mama
Sunday, May 10, 2009
The Best Day
This afternoon we just hung out and relaxed. The Hulk got me a beautiful jacket for Mother's Day. I don't know how he got Aunt Heather the message that I needed it but he did. Thanks for picking that up for him Heather. :-) It was just a great day with my great boy.
Heather got some pics of us together today. So here we are in our Mother's Day glory.

Clickin Mama
Mother's Day Letter
Hey The Hulk-
Happy Mother's Day! It's our second one together! How can that be? Things are just flying by and you are getting so big. When I was growing up my mom, your Grandma Dee, would always get Aunt Heather and I a present for Mother's Day. She always said without us she wouldn't be a mother. I thought she was really silly then but now I get it. Without you I wouldn't be a mother and you are the best gift of all! Oh how I love you!
I was thinking the other night about how much I love being your mom. Watching you grow and loving you is amazing! I also spend a lot of time thinking about how I don't want to screw up! You are too precious to screw up as your mom. But honestly love I'm going to screw up. In fact I already do.
So since we know I can't be perfect I'm just hoping I can be enough for you. I hope I can love you enough, teach you enough, support you enough, and adore you enough to help you become the best man you can be.
The one thing I hope you always remember is that even though I'm not perfect you do have a perfect parent, God. See he knows everything from beginning to end. And nothing surprises God. When I end up shocked by something you do he isn't. He already knew it would happen. When I screw up he won't. He will always provide you with perfect love and support. So on those days that you are fed up with me and my crazy advice or lectures know that he will always listen and guide you.
Alright sweet boy it's almost time for you to wake up. And we have mother's day to spend together. So I'm gonna sign off and go wrap your present.
All my love,
Your Mama
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Boys Best Friend

Lena and The Hulk are best friends. She is so very protective of him. In fact now that he is climbing she is never far away.

She is always watching over him. And she has been known to growl at him when he is into something he shouldn't be. She also barks like a fool if I'm out of the room and he is hurt or upset. In fact when he started having his last asthma attack I was in the other room and she went nuts when he was struggling for air.

I swear they have a special language. He will jabber to her and she seems to understand. He likes to show her the pictures in his books and that crazy dog lays still and lets him.

They have been known to work together to increase the naughty factor. The Hulk will stand on Lena to reach things that are higher up. She helps him remove clothing and he gives her food she shouldn't have.

And when the mean mama intervenes and stops their shenanigans they have even been known to pout together.
Clickin Mama