The Hulk actually was adorable on Christmas day even though he and I both were pretty sick. He thought his cousin Mattie was hilarious opening presents. He gets pretty tickled watching her.
He did tear some paper and as I opened the toys and gave them to him he played with them. But in typical kid fashion he really liked Mattie's new toys. She got lots of kid kitchen things, like fake food and pots and pans. He liked the pans. And Mattie really liked the Retro Riding Rocket that The Hulk got. So they spent a fair amount of time playing with each others things. At least they share.
I got some neat gifts too. I got a cool wallet from my sister Heather and a beautiful necklace that I love! I saw it awhile back and loved it but didn't feel okay about spending the money on myself. So she got it for me and totally surprised me with it! Thanks again Heather!
And most of all I shared the day with the best gift I have ever received. Even though I was sick and even though I was sad I couldn't help but enjoy the time with The Hulk. He may not heal my heart but he sure is a wonderful band-aid.
Clickin Mama
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