Yep one huge can of formula! There would be one unhappy guy if this wasn't around. It's a huge can but seriously we go through it in about 13 days. Expensive baby!
Rubber Ducky you're the one! You make bath time so much fun! Rubber Ducky I'm awfully fond of you! I'm a huge rubber duck fan. Always have been. And now The Hulk has a ton of rubber ducks. This is just one of probably a dozen that you could find throughout our house.
This is one of my light stands. Couldn't make it without my lights. They get hotter than Africa but I love them!
My friend Darby got this for me years ago. I love it! I don't know how clear the picture will be but it's a quote by Abe Lincoln that says "All that I am or hope to be I owe to my mother". So very true. Love it!
And this crazy balloon is hanging out in our living room. 2 months ago my Grandpa was in the hospital and I took him this balloon. He took it home with him from the hospital and when we went to visit him at his house The Hulk laughed at the balloon and thought it was pretty funny. So Grandma and Grandpa insisted we bring it home. This balloon will never die. I can't believe how long it's held the air. Crazy!
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