Well it's Good Friday! Actually for me it's GREAT Friday. I have quite an attachment to Good Friday and Easter for several reasons. First I think it is absolutely amazing that God allowed his son to die and rise again for me for us. I can't imagine that sacrifice and it is overwhelming to me to think that I have that promise of eternal life because of that gift. It really touches me.
But I've always loved Easter. I have loved the hymns and the sunrise services. I love how the church looks filled with lilies. I loved getting up early as a kid with my parents and getting my Easter basket and then heading to the park in the cold before the sun came up to rejoice in the promise of new life. And I loved sitting with my mom in church.
And then she died and Easter became even more important to me. While I miss celebrating it with her it has become another type of celebration for me. It is that promise that I will be with her again. It is that promise that Jesus died for her sins and mine and because of that we will be reunited one day. So now we always go see her on Easter and take her some eggs and some prayers and some conversation and we celebrate the possibility of our future together again. Here are Heather and I with her last year.
And then The Hulk came and Good Friday became Great Friday and Easter became the beginning of my life as a mom. Last year on Good Friday I signed up for the 10:00 slot for the day long prayer vigil at church. And as I was on my knees in church from 10-10:30 I prayed. I prayed for a baby. I prayed for hope, I prayed for peace. I was so depressed. I missed my mom and I was desperate for a baby. And as I prayed I had no idea that my son was already 1 hour old. But God knew. I'm sure he was smiling and laughing a little bit. He knew the gift was coming.
And Easter came and the call came and on that sacred day that baby boy became mine. And I had not only the promise of a new life with my mother but the promise of a new life as his mother. How amazing is that. What gifts the good Lord has given me.....
Happy Good Friday... Happy Great Friday!
Clickin Mama
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