Monday, November 23, 2009

Not Me Monday!

This has been such a crazy week. Super busy with regular work and photography work. And of course some little boy always keeps me on my toes. I'm so thankful it is only a three day work week! Maybe it will be a little calmer.... Since it was crazy there are plenty of not me's to go around.

Like I promise I did NOT actually utter the following statements at some point this week.

"The Hulk please don't eat the grout."

"I'm going to be late to work because a truck drove into my house."

"The Hulk quit turning Grandma's oxygen off."

"The Hulk seriously if you turn the oxygen off again I'm going to have to spank you."

"Why are these toys in the dryer?"

"Let's not feed the dog yogurt."

"No wonder it's hot in here. The oven has been on since last night."

"Mattie don't lock the little kids in the closet."

"In this house we don't put dirty diapers in the clothes hamper."

"Why do you have a bump it on your Afro puff?"

Clickin Mama

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