Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Keeping Him Busy

Keeping Hulk busy during the winter months is a bit of a challenge for me. Since we can't play outside as much he spends way to much time watching videos! I'm trying to put a stop to that. Luckily he is really into "projects". He loves making things. The hard part for me is coming up with new projects for him to do!


Recently we made these kid friendly stain glass things. So so simple to do and they were lots of fun for him. The only downside is that they are pretty fragile and don't stay together long after all his loving.

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So simple to make! Here is what you need...

Washable Markers
Coffee Filters
Spray bottle of water
Hole punch

Have the kids color all over the coffee filters with markers. Using a bunch of different colors works best. Once the filter is completely colored you spray it with the water. You want the whole filter to be wet but not dripping wet. Squish the filter together a few times then hang or lay flat to dry. Once it's dry you hole punch it and put a ribbon through it so it will hang in the window or wherever else you want it. It looks kind of tie dyed.

If you have any project ideas send them my way. I'm having a hard time being creative...


jodilee0123 said...

Here's a great blog I found somehow though linking. . . They have cute projects and food ideas! :) I love your coffee filter idea. We are going to do that today!

jodilee0123 said...

I might want to inclued the link. Sorry! haha!