Monday, October 19, 2009

Not Me Monday!

This week I did NOT in an effort to save time and fighting in the morning dress The Hulk in his clothes for the next day after his bath instead of PJ's.

I also did NOT put our dinner in the crockpot one morning and come home to find that I had forgotten to turn the crockpot on.

I did NOT babysit Darby's week old twins and find myself burning up with baby fever while snuggling them.

That feeling did NOT pass quickly when my 19 month old came screaming into the room knocking over everything in his path with his tornado like presence.

I did NOT have a HUGE fall photo event scheduled with lots of children on Saturday only to find that my camera would not work! So I did NOT use my old school itty bitty Kodak camera for a professional photo shoot.

I did NOT dance for joy when the pictures still turned out okay.

And The Hulk and I did NOT spend more than half of the day in our PJ's on Sunday just bumming around the house.

What did you NOT do this week?

Clickin Mama

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