Monday, July 13, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Well I did NOT haul so much stuff out of this house this weekend that my whole body aches. I am NOT worn out and wish I had another day off to recuperate from my crazy cleaning, hauling, freak show of a weekend!

I did NOT have a wild dance party in the living room with The Hulk yesterday to take a break from the cleaning. After dancing like a fool for about 10 minutes I did NOT look up and see four of the neighbor kids staring at me through the window.

My toddler completely understands about the need for privacy and he has appropriate boundaries. So I did NOT pee two times this week with a crying little boy sitting on my lap!

I do NOT have mice in my house! And if I happened to have mice in my house and set traps to catch them I would NOT call someone else to come empty the traps. I'm braver than that!

I did NOT find some of my own childhood toys this weekend. I did NOT sit down with The Hulk to play with them and get a little emotional remembering my mom doing the same thing with me.

I did NOT use 7 different gift cards at Wal-Mart this week to pay for my purchases. I did NOT have a balance of .35 on one of the cards. I did NOT find a little bit of pleasure in the way the cashier was quietly fuming as I swiped card after card.

Clickin Mama

1 comment:

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

Ha Ha! I like the last one. I had less than $0.50 on a Dairy Queen Gift Card and embarassed my husband when I used it. Why shouldn't you use it?