Thursday, May 27, 2010

Come and Play

My boy and my nieces love the park/playground. They have tons of fun going down the slides, playing on the swings, and just being crazy kids. That's super. But this mama is terrified of the playground. Maybe it is the job I do every day but I know what kind of people hang out at playgrounds watching kids. I know what can happen in just a few moments and the playground brings me huge anxiety. There are to many places on a playground where you lose sight of kids or can't get to them very easily. And it just raises my blood pressure. Ugh I hate playgrounds!


As much as I would love to avoid the playground at all costs these cute little faces make me suck up my fears and go. They love to play. So every once in awhile I try to push the dark thoughts from my mind, load the kid up, and take him to the darn playground. And in the end the smiles are worth it and I am glad I did it. But I can tell you this. I'm dreading the next trip already!

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