Things are rather exciting around here this week. That's a nice change from the same old routine we have been in for awhile. So what is exciting us you ask. How about The Hulk being a little bit of a celebrity! Tonight the local paper came to do an interview all about The Hulk and his adoption story! He is going to be the face of adoption in our community since it is National Adoption Month!!! I'm so excited for him. I think this will be something awesome to add to his baby book for him to look back on. It's so nice to be able to share a positive adoption story with the community. We had a lot of fun tonight with the reporter and photographer so I can't wait to see what the story is like and what pictures they use of him. He was quite the charmer and on best behavior. He is such a great kid!
And wedding stuff is happening this weekend! My sister Heather is the maid of honor for her best friend Kelci on Saturday. And I'm taking pictures. So we have had a busy week of last minute planning and packing and a little bit of panic. But we are really excited! Not only will the wedding be a blast but we get to take a 3 hour roadtrip to get to her hometown where the wedding will be held. We haven't been out of town since the 4th of July! I don't even care that we are going to a little town in Western Kansas!!! Can you say VACATION!!!!
So that's what I know around here. Exciting times, happy times, heck just a change in time!
Clickin Mama
Oh that's awesome! So happy for a little bit of good news finding its way to you. :)
How exciting for you and Mr. Big Stuff! You better post the article link when it's up! Yay!!!
Way to go The Hulk!!! Hope you have a great trip!
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