Sunday, June 28, 2009

Fun Stuff

Wow this has been one fun filled, action packed, present opening weekend! Have I ever told you that I love birthdays!!!! My birthday is actually on Tuesday but this weekend we had my birthday party. My Dad and Cricket came to town, my dad's family came and Darby and Chris and the regular clan. It was a fabulous day. We had a BBQ and lots of fun.

We also had a family reunion, which made for a nice road trip to Hiawatha. The there was another toad in the house incident. The Hulk turned into a walking champ and also mastered wiping out. He stalked my Dad all weekend, but then was a total wiggle worm when anyone tried to hold him, we ate too much food, I took way to many pictures, and we had a grand old time...

So now I need to get some laundry done so we can get ready for the week ahead. Oh and I need to edit a few more pictures like these....

Clickin Mama

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