My walks are starting to get boring.... I try to add new music to my ipod to listen too but that just isn't cutting it anymore. So I thought I might try a podcast. Do any of you listen to any good podcasts. I've never tried it before and there seem to be about a million out there. Anyone have any suggestions??? I'm afraid that if it keeps being boring I'll give up and throw in the towel.
Clickin Mama
What about books on tape that you can download to your iPod?
Yes! NPR (National Public Radio) podcasts! You would really enjoy the hour-long program called "This American Life", which is kinda like 60 Minutes, but it focuses on just 1 topic each week. Also, a really funny show is "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me", a weekly quiz show on current events. One more I think you might enjoy is Garrison Keillor's monologues from "A Prairie Home Companion".
I love the focus on the family ones - they have several to choose some and some great ones on parenting! Will listen over and over and over for encouragement and ideas.
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