Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Still Frowned Upon

I know that I shouldn't be doing this....

I'm sure it is still frowned upon....

But it really comes down to numbers for me...

The fine for burning in town is $25.00!

I can risk the fine and burn the leaves in about 45 minutes...

Or I can follow the "rules" and spend about 2 hours bagging the leaves up!

So I decided that my time was worth more than $25.00.

Burn away yucky leaves!

Mama has better things to do!

I know what your thinking

Crazy Rebel!


Dimmusacio said...

You said it. I hate those fines as long as someone burns it responsibly let them.

Please also check out my blog. I would love to hear what you think of it. Especially since I enjoyed your posts so much but only decided to comment on this one.

Dimmusacio said...

Sorry forgot to give you the web address.