Monday, September 21, 2009

Bathroom Redo

As I mentioned awhile back I redid our hall bathroom or The Hulk' bathroom recently. That is one of only two rooms that has not been repainted multiple times in this house. And I was just tired of the old look. It really wasn't us. But I just wanted something very simple in there. So I went with a cream colored paint that I already had sitting in the garage and navy with silver accents.


I had a credit with Uppercase Living that I've had for more than a year. So I used it to order the Splish Splash decal to go above the tub. So that cost me nothing! I even have $7.00 left to use with them at some point.


As you can see The Hulk is happy with the new look. In fact he is just pretty much happy anytime he is soaking in the tub. I found the shower curtain and silver shower curtain rings at a garage sale quite awhile ago. They were still in the packaging and cost me a whole $2.25!


I just reused the picture frame that was already in the bathroom but replaced the picture. Since it is a The Hulk and Mommy orignal it too was free. The Hulk thinks finger painting is really fun and I'm a big fan of his artwork. So that is what is gracing the walls. I think it's silly and fun and just us.

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I did get new rugs for the bathroom. They are just simple navy rugs and were the cheapest ones at Wal-Mart. They were also on sale and I used a gift card. They did cost $6.00 a piece so it was $12.00 total. I also had to get a few painting supplies, roller, etc and that cost me another $6.00. So that brought my grand total for the bathroom redo to $20.25! I really wanted to do it for under $20 but only going over .25 isn't bad.

What can I say I love to decorate cheap!

Clickin Mama

1 comment:

Janis said...

it looks awesome!!!!! What a great redo and at a great price!!! :) I love the little decal - but the painting is priceless!

Have a great day!