It's almost Christmas. Just a few more minutes and it actually will be Christmas. It's been a late night and a long day at our house but it's been wonderful. I had the day off work and Heather got off work early and made it home before the weather got to bad. So we have stayed inside and played with The Hulk and watched the snow fall and blow all day. We also kept one of Darby's twins today so we had plenty of time to love on Miss Ellison.
We were going to go to Christmas Eve service at church but did I mention the falling and blowing snow. There is tons of it. And the drifts in my drive way are huge. I haven't seen snow like this in years. It's amazing really but it caused church to actually be canceled. Our church hasn't had to cancel Christmas Eve service because of snow in 25 years! How crazy is that!
So after enjoying our dinner we read The Hulk the Christmas story and had our own little Christmas Eve service. Not the same thing but at least we tried. Better than nothing. After the babies fell asleep Heather and I watched a movie and just chilled out. All the presents are wrapped and ready to go under the tree. I'm so excited to see what The Hulk thinks in the morning when he sees his Elmo paper again. I'm hoping tomorrow is another nice relaxing day of fun. We will see.
Merry Christmas Eve to all of you!
Clickin Mama
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