Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas Letters

Have you started getting the Christmas cards and letters at your house yet? They have started arriving at my house. And with each Christmas letter I open I feel a bit guilty that I never do such things. Maybe I should send a Christmas letter this year. But what would I say? Everyone else has Christmas letters filled with promotions, honor roll making children, adorable dogs, matching outfits, and perfection. Hmmm... But after spending quite a bit of time on it I think I got the perfect Christmas letter written.

Dear Family and Friends-

Happy Holidays to you all! What a year it has been! How can Christmas already be here?!? Time just flies by doesn't it.

This has been one wild year. I started off the year a single unemployed mother living off her family, quickly vanishing savings, and prayer. But luckily come February I was offered and accepted a job that I don't particularly like that doesn't even pay enough to cover my bills. It's great that I get to spend 40 hours a week there before coming home to work another 30 or so hours a week at my photography business. SUPER!!!

At least we have our health right! Oh or not. Now that I think about it I have crazy blood sugar that seems to go up and down faster than a roller coaster. The Hulk has asthma and seems to think that seizures are a cool new thing to try too. I don't have much feeling left in my feet and I think I'm getting carpel tunnel in my wrist. But the great news is that my mammogram while unpleasant revealed that I have really healthy breasts!

Most importantly The Hulk and I have one another. His amazing ability to run into everything in his path yet avoid broken bones and make animal sounds on command make this mama proud. He has a killer smile, gives great hugs, and picks up his own toys. He is convinced that his Aunt Heather is really his dad and I just pray everyday I'm not totally screwing him up. I can't imagine life without him and hope to adopt another kidlet sometime soon as long as I can avoid bankruptcy, foreclosure or the mental hospital.

So that about sums up our year. I did leave out the bad stuff like sewer water in the house, broken tiles, trucks driving through the yard, and the utilities getting shut off on occasion. I hate to be a downer.

Have A Real Merry Christmas!

Clickin Mama and The Hulk

Now if I could just afford the stamps I would send this out....

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