Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Birthday Review...

Some little boy had a very happy birthday! Hulk enjoyed his cake and his presents. He was so funny opening presents this year. He would get excited about everything. It didn't matter if it was clothes or cool race tracks. He would oh and ah and clap and be silly. Very funny to watch his expressions.


I almost didn't think I was going to get to see him on his birthday. I had a wedding to photograph on Saturday. And even though it was the first day of spring we got a horrible snow storm. It took me 2 hours to get to the wedding when it usually would take about 45 minutes. The drifting was horrible and the roads were snow packed. I got home late that night and Darby's husband took me in his big truck out to my brother's house in the country to get the boy. It was like a winter recon mission to get my baby back.


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It took quite an effort to get to my brother's house. We had to break out the truck manual, plow through huge drifts, and then walk through snow drifts that came all the way up to the top of my thighs. It was late and cold and windy and snowy but we got the boy and made it home safely! I couldn't imagine not being able to see him on his birthday. Thanks to Chris we got him home for his party. I'm so glad we went and got him in the middle of the night too. Because by morning my brother's road and driveway were so buried in drifts they couldn't get out to make it to the party. So we were fortunate that we did the midnight recon mission.

I'm telling ya nothing is every easy around here or dull. As I tell my sister all the time....


1 comment:

jodilee0123 said...

The cake did turn out! Totally adorable!