Sunday, April 5, 2009

Weekend Wrap Up

What a wonderful weekend! The Hulk and I have had a fabulous time. I think he is finally getting better. He has been so happy and laughing lots again. The wheezing seems to be slowing down and he isn't as crabby. Maybe we are getting back on track. That would be so nice!

Saturday we went to Caden's 5th birthday party. How Darby's baby is 5 I do not know. It has flown by! And to think that at this time next year she will have two more babies is amazing! Twins! Caden is going to be a really great big brother. He is so good with The Hulk. He can always make him laugh and he pays such close attention to him. Very protective and sweet.

I took so many pictures at Caden's party. 257 to be exact! The weather was great yesterday so I got a lot of the kids playing outside. I love that natural light. Hopefully I will get them edited this week...

After the party yesterday The Hulk and I worked in the yard. Well I worked and he hung out in his swing! I trimmed all the bushes in my front yard. What's crazy is it was so nice yesterday and then today it's freezing. So we have just played inside today. Lots of hide and seek and rolling balls around here.

Heather's best friend Kelci came to town today to try on a wedding dress so she stopped by for about an hour to play with the The Hulk man. He of course put on a show for her. It was nice to have a little company. And it gave me a break from being the human jungle gym. That's always nice. My back is going to be killing me tomorrow....

So that's our weekend. The Hulk is taking a nap now and then we are going to play some more. Fun times here!

Clickin Mama

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