Another weekend has flown by... or in my world another weekend has clicked by. I had four photo sessions this weekend so I was very busy! And The Hulk and I fit in some great play time too. We went to the zoo this weekend which we do frequently. But to change things up I let The Hulk walk and left the stroller in the car. So what usually is a 30 minute trip to the zoo lasted 2 hours! Yes it takes a toddling 16 month old 2 hours to wander through the zoo. He stopped to look at everything and pick up every leaf, rock and piece of dirt along the way. He also stopped and sat for quite awhile along one of the rock paths to play in the gravel. And as others wandered by he would hand them some. What's crazy is people actually took handfuls of gravel from him and thanked him for it!
Actually we spent most of the weekend outside either at the zoo or park or just playing in the yard. The Hulk loves the garden hose all of a sudden and filling buckets with water and dumping them on himself is cheap entertainment. Well I think it is... I'll let you know when the water bill comes... I love all this outside wild boy play for two reasons. The first being that is adorable wild messy fun. The second being that it wears him out! Which means when we do come inside he takes a nice long nap so mama can edit pictures. Now that's fabulous in my book!
Clickin Mama
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